I Need Your Help.

I desperately need it. Seriously, if you could take the five minutes out of your busy schedule, I’d be extremely grateful. I may even do something crazy for it.

I’m participating in a Flash Fiction contest over on Tablo. Write a story under 500 words along the lines of one of their six prompts. The person with the most likes by July 4th wins. There’s money on the line.

If some of you reading this could help me out, I’d love you forever. I might even be able to think of something to show you that I love you forever.

Like my story here, sign up (if you’re a reader you won’t be sorry, if you’re not, they don’t spam you, I promise), share if you’re feeling really generous.

Thank you so much in advance to everyone who takes the time to help!! ❤ ❤ ❤


How Fast Can I Write a Novel?

I’ve repeatedly found that blog writing is something that I have an issue with. I run out things to say because my life isn’t always super interesting and I’m usually spending most of my time writing fiction anyway.

Solution? Mix the two.

I want to see how fast I can write a coherent novel. Like, something that could be published somewhere and read by people, and those people don’t cringe at how much of a mess it is. I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo for the past two years, and won for the past two years, but both of those novels are going to be in an extended editing period because I left myself such a mess in writing them so fast. The details are all over the place, and since I didn’t have much time I didn’t go back and fix the conflicting details (which were most of them because I’d get to a point where I thought I’d go one way and then came up with something better that completely went against something that already happened), I have to spend my first edit sifting through everything I wrote to find a story that makes sense with the characters I created. Possible, sure, but very time-consuming.

You see my problem? Even that paragraph was a complete disaster.

So, I want to see how fast I can write something a little more coherent. Something I won’t be spending weeks writing and then years editing. I’m making up this challenge for myself as I go, though, so that could end up being the case once again.

But the one thing I didn’t have either of those other times was documentation. I didn’t have somewhere I could report on how things are going, and keep myself going down a straight line rather than a forever winding road. Maybe talking about it in a blog will help me. There’s only one way to find out.

So here is my proposal: I’m going to write a novel as fast as I can.

Some people need to take time to do their writing, but I’ve found that my best work comes from short bursts of writing where I don’t give myself a chance to over think it. Those two novels I have sitting around may be a complete mess, but they’re better than some of the other works I’ve got that I’ve spent significantly more time working on, mainly because there’s a complete story there, even if it is unreadable.

25 days is my record for NaNoWriMo. I’d like to beat that for this. I may or may not make it, but that’s the goal. Beat that record with a first draft of a novel that isn’t such a mess that I have to spend a portion of my life editing it into sense.

And I’m starting right now.

I’d like to pose a question to you all. I’d like to get you involved.

Which of these should I go with? Which story would you like to read most?

I’ve got a few story ideas roaming around in my head, and I’m not sure which I should go with. A popular opinion might be helpful.

For obvious reasons I’m not giving too much detail. I plan to write all of these out one day. I just need your help in deciding which one I should start with by telling me which one interests you the most.

I not only want to know what people are interested in reading these days, but I also want people to get involved, be a part of the process. I feel like that’s an aspect that’s often left out of writing.

Also, just for fun (though I’ll probably end up regretting it), how fast do you think I can write a novel?